Own Your Data
Keep and manage your own data within your own cloud space with our email marketing solution hosted with Alpha Cloud’s managed servers.
Send Unlimited Newsletters
A complete newsletter solutions to run email campaigns quickly, effectively and easily. Easiest way to engage your audience no matter where you are.
Custom SMTP Support
SMTP is a faster and easier way to send emails for marketing campaigns to a contact list with excellent deliverability so your emails don’t end up in the spam folder.
Create Marketing campaigns
With our ‘Alpha Newsletter Pro’ you have the ability to create clean, professional emails that look great and offer even better results.
Increase traffic, conversion and revenue
Increase traffic and track the reach of your campaigns over time. This helps you in conversion and increase revenue using ‘Alpha Newsletter Pro’.
Stop worrying about email delivery
We manage every aspect of it. The software, Server and SMTP so that you can focus on your marketing and campaings.
Pro editor to create newsletters
Create templates with the editor that will look good on screens of any resolution on any device. Create and send perfect emails to your audiences.
Use Custom Email Templates
Custom Contact List
You can Manage your audience, contact lists and categories from the control panel. Add, edit and delete contacts from your lists and manage them with ease.
Sent Report
Check statistics for your email campaigns from your dashboard like emails viewed, how many emails are in queue, emails sending now or emails already sent.
Custom Domain Support
You can always ask for a custom domain name as per your requirement. We provide cloud space along with ‘Alpha Newsletter Pro’ and subdomain with your and branding.
Managed Secure Servers
Our servers are managed, secure and reliable. Offering cloud solutions since 2005 onward we have a proven track record of offering World Class Cloud Hosting Services.
Create Blog Posts
We allow clients using custom domains to create and manage Blog posts. Blogs get noticed and helps driving lots of traffic using keyword and good topics to your website.
Manage Unsubscribe
Subscribers must have a choice of either staying or leaving your mailing list. The unsubscribe link is regulated by email spam laws set in different countries around the world.